بوكليه داتينا هي منظمة غير هادفة الى الربح تقدم الدعم المهني, وخدمات التدخّل و الحماية لضحايا العنف العائلي. وهذه الخدمات متلائمة ثقافيّاَ وُلغويّاَ مع احتياجات المرأة وأطفالها, مع التركيز على احتياجات المجتمعات الإثنية- الثقافية.
نقدّم ثلاث خدمات متكاملة:
توفّر مكاتبنا الواقعة في ,لافال و مونتريال, خدمات بعدّة لغات من قِبل عاملين إجتماعييّن أخصائييّن و وسطاء مدربيّن في المجال الإجتماعي
المأوى, منزل أثينا, يوفّر السكن الطارئ للنساء و اولادهم 24 ساعة, 7 أيام في الاسبوع ويؤمن محيط أمن و بناء
يوفّر برنامجنا, العلاقات الاجتماعيّة, المعلومات عبر مونتريال و لافال, للرجال و النساء بلغتهم الخاصّة.
ذرع أثينا هي مؤسسة خيرية مسجلة.
The Shield of Athena Family Services would like to invite you to our event in honour of International Women’s Day that will be held on the 22nd of March.
The event will showcase the art of women victims of conjugal and family violence that has been done in creative art therapy groups. There will also be a presentation of work done by participants in various women’s centers such as, Le Centre dynamique des femmes de Laval, l’Association du troisième âge Filia and others.
It would be lovely to see you there. As space is limited please RSVP with the number of people coming.
March 14, 2018: We are so proud of our Executive Director; Melpa Kamateros & Co-ordinator; Maud Pontel for being part of the Canadian Women's Delegation and presenting on "Equality for Rural & remote Women in Canada" for the the sixty-second session of the Commission on the Status of Women taking place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 12 to 23 March 2018.
February 08, 2018: Thank you to all the participants of this year volunteer training workshop and your enthusiasm to volunteer your time and help out for the benefit of women and children victims of abuse.
November 13, 2017: We would like to thank Madame Sophie Grégoire Trudeau for her ongoing support and for the lovely wishes she sent us for our 23rd Annual Art auction. Message
Thank you to Elias Makos and Breakfast television for their support of our cause! It was a pleasure to have Elias co host the event this year with Eramelinda Boquer.. They made a fabulous team, did a wonderful job and raised a lot of money for our 2nd step shelter! Thank you so much!!!
Thank You to Global Television and The Suburban for their support of our cause.
The Shield's 23rd Annual Art Auction was a great event for a great cause!!! Thank you to everyone who supports us !
November 1st, 2017: Had a wonderful time today at the St Laurent Adult center presenting to a dear friend's class about conjugal violence.
October 31, 2017: Thank you to the Montreal Alouettes for inviting us to speak about family violence and its consequences even in the workplace.. was great to also present again with J.R. LAROSE, CFL player
June 09, 2017: Thank you to the city of Laval for their AMAZING support and donation of $200 000 for the establishment of a 2nd step shelter for victims of family violence! http://www.lechodelaval.ca/actualites/politique/314672/200000$-de-soutien-pour-projet-le-bouclier-dathena
May 21, 2017: Thank you to The Suburban for their ongoing support and for always being there to cover the Shield of Athena's events! http://www.thesuburban.com/news/city_news/shield-of-athena-rocks-the-rialto/article_4d74852f-1eb4-5869-bf37-4c6830636dab.html
May 19, 2017: Close to 240 people were gathered at the Shield of Athena’s “Swing into Spring” event that was held at the historic Rialto Theatre on May the 17. The fabulous show, coordinated by Sheldon Kagan and replete with a Las Vegas dance, song and musical revue, went until midnight. The event launched the beginning of the Capital Campaign for the new Second Step Resource , for women and children, in Laval.
April 18, 2017: HOLD THE DATE!
April 18, 2017: We just received this amazing group photo with the team at Avon Canada in front of the Shield of Athena's new van. We will never forget that amazing day and all those amazing people!
April 14, 2017: A special thank you to the Avon Team once again for their generosity, in particular : Goran Petrovic; President, Natalie Laurence; Events manager, and Elizabeth Munro; Manager public relations. This was truly an unforgettable day.
April 13, 2017: The Shield picked up their new van today! Thank you to Avon Canada for making this happen! We are so thankful and moved by your generosity. it was a pleasure meeting you all!!!
Thank you to CJAD for always supporting us and for covering the story of our stolen van which led to an outpouring of unbelievable community support!!! WATCH: SHIELD OF ATHENA GETS KEYS TO NEW DONATED VAN AFTER OLD ONE STOLEN (CJAD NEWS)
April 11, 2017 : 3 weeks ago, the Shield of Athena van was stolen. Since then the very generous employees of Silverstar Mercedes have lent us a van so that we are able to continue our mission in helping women and children victims of family violence.
March 27, 2017: International Women's day Celebration.
Thank you to everyone that made this event possible and to all the guests that attended!
March 23, 2017: Good luck to the young ladies from Sainte-Anne de Lachine on their YPI project which could win $5000 for the Shield’s 2nd step shelter.
March 22, 2017: It was a pleasure meeting these young gentlemen from Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf for their project on non-profit organizations.
February 13, 2017: The Shield of Athena in collaboration with Sheldon Kagan present: Swing into Spring 2017 Spectacle !
January 19, 2017: Melpa Kamateros; Executive Director gives interview this week on CBC' s Daybreak about conjugal violence, following the case of Mylène Laliberté's death:
December 22, 2016: The Shield held its annual holiday party this year for women and children survivors of family violence.. We are so blessed this year and overwhelmed by everyones generosity, including Agence Marini for new shoes and boots from La Canadienne and Browns shoes...
We would like to thank Suzy Shier for their ongoing support, in particular their donation of brand new clothing during the holiday season to victims of conjugal violence. These women are struggling and this donation is very special to them. We thank you for your generosity and we wish you Happy Holidays...
Please call 514-274-8117. Thank you
November 15, 2016 : We would like to thank all of the artists, sponsors, guests and volunteers for an amazing 22nd Annual Art Auction. Here are some pics.
September 29, 2016: Thank you to everyone who attended our volunteer training day on September 28! We hope you enjoyed it and we look forward to working with you!
September 20, 2016: We are so happy & proud to see that The Shield of Athena is mentioned as one of the organization's Sophie Gregoire Trudeau supports. It was a pleasure to have her as our spokesperson for many years and we are honored to have her ongoing support! https://www.liberal.ca/meet-sophie/
September 16, 2016: Thank you to everyone who put together and attended the photo exhibit: BEYOND THE EXPECTED. A beautiful series of paintings depicting the evolution of women based on the empowerment and evolution of women who receive help through the Shield's services.
Special thanks to Lena; for undertaking this initiative to raise awareness about the Shield & its services, Ulysee; the wonderful photographer who volunteered his time and the lovely ladies who modeled for the pictures.
FOR THOSE WHO MISSED ITS LAUNCH YESTERDAY, THIS BEAUTIFUL EXHIBIT WILL BE ON UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30 TH..at the Macdonald Harrington Building (the McGill school of architecture)
September 15, 2016: Rolly Lumbala, BC Lions player along with the Shield of Athena was invited to present to the administration team of the Montreal Alouettes on violence against women and how to " Be more than a bystander" .. This is a wonderful initiative of the CFL and its always a pleasure working with the Alouettes.
September 7, 2016 : It was such a pleasure giving a workshop on family violence to the nursing students at the Lester B. Pearson school who have recently arrived from India. A special thank you to their wonderful teacher, Dawn!
August 15, 2016 : It is with great pleasure that we thank the Canadian Women's Foundation and its partner Winners / HomeSense for their very generous donation of $ 1.100. This money was raised as part of the eleventh edition of their campaign entitled: Annual campaign of the Canadian Women's Foundation to end violence. The Shield of Athena is very proud to have received this donation through their campaign. Thank you once again to Home Sense, the main partner of the Foundation.
July 20, 2016: The Shield's 22nd ANNUAL ART AUCTION is on its way. We are welcomming artists to contact us and submit their work. For more information, please call 514-274-8117. Thank you!
July 18, 2016: Why the need for a 2nd Step Shelter...Help us make this goal a reality by contributing to our crowdfunding campaign by clicking on the following link: https://www.canadahelps.org/dn/27709
June 20, 2016: On June 17, the Shield of Athena launched its Annual Membership Campaign at Bâton Rouge (de la Montagne) in celebration of its 25 year anniversary. A special announcement was made that the Shield will soon be adding another important service to its network: A SECOND STEP RESOURCE FOR VICTIMS OF FAMILY VIOLENCE, because:
- OVER 20 000 WOMEN are admitted in Quebec’s 126 emergency shelters annually
- BUT, in 2016, ONLY 11 2ND STEP SHELTERS EXIST with 100 spaces
- 1 OUT OF 3 WOMEN continue to be victimized by an ex partner and need a safe place
The new project will cost the organization 4 million dollars. The SHQ will cover most of this amount but the Shield has to raise $500,000 in a capital campaign. The Shield’s membership launch was a great start to the campaign as it raised a total of $30, 000. One third of the amount raised will be put aside for the new resource and the rest will be used for the existing multilingual support and intervention services.
A clip from Sophie Gregoire Trudeau was broadcasted at the event. Her message supporting this campaign can be viewed on the following link https://youtu.be/yTTkA3_mrdo
The Second Step project is also supported by: La Ville de Laval, La Table de concertation sur la violence conjugale et les agressions sexuelles de Laval, Les Maisons: de Lina, l’Esther et Le Prélude, and many others.
For more information or to make a donation towards this campaign, please call us at 514-274-8117.
May 3, 2016: May 3, 2016, Melpa Kamateros; Executive Director & Chris Ann Nakis; President signed the final agreements & the Shield of Athena is now in possession of a new property, which will become the organization's 2nd Step resource for women and children victims of family violence. We are so happy that we will be able to provide longer term housing for our clients that will be able to accomodate their financial and safety needs.
May 2, 2016: We would like to thank the students at Trafalgar school for chosing the The Shield for their Youth Philanthropy Project. On Thursday April 28, we were happy to attend the finals where we saw the girls present on family violence and raise awareness about this issue and the The Shield's services.
April 15, 2016 : Shield of Athena wins a total of $4000 in the Lower Canada College's YPI finals! During the last few months, 2 groups of very bright & lovely girls from Lower Canada College volunteered at the Shield and worked on a presentation for the school's Youth Philanthropy Initiative. We were very honored that both groups made it to the finals which took place yesterday evening. Both groups gave very moving presentations that captured the essence of our mission. Out of the 5 groups that presented, the 2 that presented on the Shield came in 2nd and 4th winning a combined total of $4000 for the organization!!!!
The Shield recently got government approval to open a 2nd step shelter for women and children who have broken the cycle of violence and need to rebuild their lives. This shelter will include 17 apartments and provide families with long term AFFORDABLE housing and increased SECURITY. This is a project for which we need to fundraise for!
The $4000 that was awarded to our organization last night is the the first donation that we will put in this envelope! Our goal is to raise $500 000. Please help us meet this goal by making a donation through our website, or by calling us ( 514-274-8117).
We will soon inform you about our crowd funding campaign which will make it even easier for you to donate. We ask for help in realizing this goal!!!!
April 8, 2016: On March 29, 2016, a generous donation was made to The Shield of Athena in honor of Barbara Vokral, a member of the Shield's board of directors. In 2011, Barbara became Senior Private Banker and since 2014, Team Lead & Senior Private Banker at Scotia Bank. She is experienced in many fields including, commercial, mortgage & securities lending, portfolio & wealth management, finance and credit analysis.
Barbara, has been an invaluable member of the Board of the Shield of Athena , both as a member of the Audit committee and as a key figure in many of the projects. From 2010 she has been working with the Board towards the establishment of a 17- unit residence for women and children that will take place in Laval.
April 4, 2016: On April 2nd, The Shield of Athena was recognized for the wonderful work it does at the 2016 awards ceremony of the American counselling Association. Seen here with the President, Chris Ann Nakis and the ED, Melpa Kamateros, is Mr. Yeagan Pillay, Chair of the Human Rights committee of the Ohio counselling Organization, part of the organizing body of the conference.
March 29, 2016: On the 24th of March, the President of the shield of Athena, Mme Chris-Ann Nakis and the Ed, Melpa Kamateros, accepted the final payment of a project funded by the Conseil Régional des Élus, concerning the establishment of referral and interpretation services for women housed in the three shelters of Laval and the development of community outreach sessions in Laval.
March 25, 2016 : Another visit today by 3 wonderful young ladies from Sainte Anne college in Lachine who have chosen to do their YPI project on the Shield. It was so nice meeting you and we wish you luck!
March 24, 2016 : We wish these young ladies from LCC good luck on their Youth Philanthropy Project. If their project on the Shield wins, the organization gets $5000!!!!
March 21, 2016: We would like to thank Dr. Limniatis and the team from The Hellenic Appeal for a beautiful evening on Saturday March 19, 2016. The Shield was very happy to be a part of their Annual fundraising dance, through which they raise money and help those in need throughout the year. We would like to acknowledge the amazing food baskets that are donated by this very generous and hard working team every Christmas and Easter to the Shield's clients who are facing economic difficulties.
March 10, 2016: In honor of International Women’s Day, The Shield of Athena held a special viewing of their documentary, Νίκη (Victory): From Shadow to Light. Over 200 guests attended the event on Thursday March 10 at Cinema Guzzo (marché central) including politicians, doctors, members of the media and representatives from: The Police of Montreal, SOS Violence Conjugale, Youth protection, CLSC's, FILIA as well as workers and clients from many Montreal organizations and shelters. Thank you to all! Press release and photos
March 9, 2016 : We are so proud to announce that The Shield of Athena was asked by Corrections Canada to give a training on Honor Based Violence to its staff. The training took place on Wednesday March 9 and was televised across Quebec.
The Shield of Athena produced this documentary, Νίκη (Victory): From shadow to light, detailing the reality of 5 women, victims of conjugal violence, coming from ethno cultural communities. Their testimonies give an account of their journey towards a life without violence. It is also part of the national strategy on conjugal violence, engagement 10, under “ Prevention of violence and promotion of non-violence”
Some excerpts of the documentary:
“I went to the hospital, I was in emergency and my daughter came and told me...you need to stop this for me and you...and this is how I made the decision to leave”
“During a TV show in Romanian, I heard of an organization and they supported me. I stayed at a shelter for a month with my children and then I started to look for an apartment.”
“I was a victim of sexual, psychological, verbal, economic abuse”
“He made me believe that the violence was my fault, that I was responsible. I always tried to improve the situation because I thought I was to blame.”
“He only let me have a relationship with certain people and only wanted me to communicate with them while he was present.”
We hope to see you all there in celebration of International Women’s day and to share in the many milestones achieved by women around the world.
February 01, 2016 : The Board of the Shield of Athena would like to thank the participants of this wonderful initiative and to acknowledge the efforts of all the students , volunteers and staff from the Study. The lovely scarves will be very much appreciated by our clients and their children.
January 26, 2016 : We wish these wonderful girls from Trafalgar good luck in winning $5000 for the Shield of Athena throught their Youth Philanthropy project!
January 13, 2016: We would like to thank a special person today, by the name of Amar, and his lovely wife for a much needed donation of hygiene products, in honor of their sweet baby girl's 1st birthday...Thank you so much! It was a pleasure meeting you all!
January 08, 2016 : A wonderful article in the Suburban about the 2 special ladies behind the Shield of Athena and their longstanding dedication in helping victims of family violence, President, Chris Ann Nakis & Founder/Executive Director, Melpa Kamateros

January 04, 2016 : Amongst the many donors this past holiday season, we would like to single out a special group of ladies from Sociale who put together and donated over 100 boxes filled with gifts for women victims of family violence. We thank you so very much! You ladies are amazing!
December 22, 2015 : The Shield of Athena held its annual holiday party for the women and children who use its services. It was a lovely gathering and we would like to thank all of the generous people who donated gifts for our clients. Thank you to Old Navy for gift certificates, Suzy Shier for brand new beautiful clothing, board members like Litsa Pelonis and volunteers like Tanya Garland, for their delicious cookies and restaurateur, Mr. Paul Nakis, for his annual delivery of pizzas!
Everything was very much appreciated and as we say in Greek ‘’ kai to hronou!’’ And to next year may we be all well to have another wonderful party!
December 02, 2015: The Shield of Athena was very happy to welcome students from Lower Canada College who helped us decorate & assemble the Christmas goody bags, all in preparation of the Shield's Christmas party, held every year for the women and children who use its services.
November 23, 2015 : The Shield of Athena would like to thank our special guests for attending our event & supporting our cause. For more pictures of our 21st Annual Art Auction, please see the ALBUM
Travis Todd from Global Montreal & Nadia Saputo
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Guzzo
Consul general of Greece in Montreal; Nicolas Sigalas, U.S. Consul General in Montreal ; Nina Maria Fite, Cinemas Guzzo; Vincent Guzzo, CJAD; Eramelinda Boquer, Executive Director & Founding member of the Shield of Athena; Melpa Kamateros, Patron of 2015 Art Auction; Nadia Saputo, Artist;Norma Akkelian, Founder & President of Canadian Gem; Pierre Akkelian
November 18, 2015: We would like to thank Richard Dagenais from Montreal Billboard for his recent interview with Melpa Kamateros, Executive Director of the Shield of Athena. Thank you for raising awareness about family violence and making our services known to those who may need help.
November 11, 2015: On November 10, a donation of 4,000 was made to the Shield of Athena Family Services by the Hellenic Golfers Association. The organization was represented by Betty Petropoulos tsp, Director of Social Services and Maria Papadopoulos, tsp, Clinical Superviser. The funds would go to eight needy women of Greek origin who were victims of conjugal violence and their children.
November 9, 2015: We are very happy to announce that the Shield's 21st Annual Art Auction raised almost $100 000. Proceeds go towards the services we offer to women and children victims of family violence. Some of the funds will also go towards a 2nd step shelter which will provide longer housing for women and their children who are rebuilding their lives... We would like to thank the participating artists, sponsors, volunteers, generous donors and lovely guests that contributed to this success!
November 6, 2015 : A lovely interview today on Breakfast television with Melpa Kamateros, executive director & one of the founding members of the Shield. As she mentioned, this is a one of a kind event that has art for every taste & budget! For tickets, please call 514-274-8117! We hope to see you all there! http://www.btmontreal.ca/videos/4596357554001/
The Shield of Athena's 21st Annual Art Auction is now available ON LINE. If you want to place an early bid on one of your favorite paintings, please follow the link http://shieldofathena2015.eflea.ca/
Auction runs until November 5, 2015 11:00 PM.
October 2, 2015: One of our longstanding supporters and friends from the Police of Montreal is one of the co founders of an amazing new product: The NYZOVIE Heritage Kit.
"This simple, effective system helps you plan for the unexpected. It makes it easy to gather and clearly identify all of your key documents and personal information. With NYZOVIE you and your loved ones can easily find what you need, when you need it!
We also want to thank them because $1 from every kit sold will go to TheShield of Athena to benefit victims of family violence.
August 27, 2015 : On Wednesday August 26, 2015 The Shield was happy to hold its 4th Annual Picnic for women and their children. The women received information about the Shield of Athena & its services and was introduced to the staff. Everyone also had a great time and enjoyed fun games, raffles, henna tattoos and delicious food..
August 7, 2015: We are excited to announce that The Shield of Athena's 21st Annual Art Auction will take place on Sunday November 8, 2015 at Ogilvy's Tudor Hall! We are presently looking for artists who would like to participate in this one of a kind event that promotes local art & supports a great cause. Deadline for submission of art work is August 24. For more information:bouclierdathena@bellnet.ca / www.shieldofathena.com or 514.274.8117.
July 31, 2015: Yes! That is the Shield of Athena on the Montreal Alouettes Day Schedule.... On Monday July 27, The Shield was invited for the 2nd time to present to the team about family violence. It was pleasure to present to this dynamic & interactive group of men who are doing their part in raising awareness about this issue. As well, we thank them & Coach Higgins for their effort in collecting hygiene products for the women & kids who stay at our shelter, La Maison D'Athena..
July 23, 2015: On Monday July 20th, The Shield of Athena gave a training on family violence to a new group of volunteers & stagiaires.. We would like to welcome them on our team & we look forward to working together!
July 15, 2015 : On Monday July 13, The Shield of Athena was very happy to offer the women that use our services a SPA DAY. The women received total makeovers thanks to some very very special people. We would like to thank Vicky from Ogilvy's who did the ladies' makeup and Toni from Interfusion Coiffure for the lovely hair dos. The ladies also received lovely manicures and left with a goody bag of fantastic beauty products courtesy of Ogilvy's.
June 17, 2015: On Monday June 15, the Shield of Athena held its Annual General Assembly. Members & non members were informed on the organization's activities & services of the past year. Some stats from the 2014-2015 year: 733 women and children received services either at our 2 centers or our shelter. 21 Outreach sessions were given this year on the topic of conjugal/family violence & 22 information sessions were given on honor based violence. Lastly, the Shield had 197 volunteers last year! Thank you to everyone who contributed to this monumental year!
June 16, 2015: We would like to thank a few wonderful people for organizing a very special and unique fundraising event for the Shield of Athena. On Friday June 12, a Batchata night fundraiser was organized with a special performance given by Ladies Touch Montreal, featuring the very talented Frédérique Roy-Lavoie. The theme of the moving choreography was the elimination of violence against women. A special thanks also goes out to Christian Gallegos & Stéphane Kizomba Houle, for a very fun dance lesson! We would like to thank you all for supporting our cause and raising awareness for this important issue.
June 05, 2015: On Wednesday June 3rd, The Shield of Athena launched its 2015-2016 Membership Drive which was chaired by the one & only Chris Nilan. It was a beautiful evening shared with long standing & new friends. We would like to thank everyone for coming, all of our sponsors, and our past spokesperson, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, who dropped by to say hello! A special thank you also goes out to Phil Shuchat & David Acer from the Comedy Nest and last but not least, Chris Taylor from DPC Movements Records for giving a spectacular show to our guests! From Global.
We would like to thank GLOBAL MONTREAL for always being there for us and our cause. Our friends at GLOBAL, do a fabulous job in promoting our events & raising awareness about family violence. We thank you so very much from the bottom of our hearts!
April 27, 2015: Good luck to the students from College Jean Eudes who are doing their Youth Philanthropy project (YPI) on the Shield of Athena!
April 24, 2015: On Thursday April 16 students from Lower Canada College entered the finals for their project on the Shield of Athena, as part of the Youth Philanthropy Initiative. The Shield's executive director, Melpa Kamateros, was very proud of the young ladies as they placed in the top 5 and received a donation of $1000 for our organization!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015-At a ceremony held today at the City Hall of Parc Extension, The Shield of Athena launched its new website, Athena Legal Info ( www.athenalegalinfo.com) & gave special recognition to members of the Ethnic Media and their own Cultural Intermediaries for raising awareness about family violence in their communities.
For the past three years, the Shield of Athena has been committed to a special project so as to raise awareness in communities about family violence and in particular, honor based violence. Workshops have been given in various languages on issues such as violence against women, forced marriages, honor based violence, Canadian laws and resources. As well, a legal website was developed in collaboration with law students from McGill University and Université de Montréal, in 10 languages with legal information that is important for victims of family violence to be aware of.
Maud Pontel with part of her web team, including the Website's designer and laws students
Special thanks was also given to members of the ethnic media that have collaborated with the Shield on this project. The media partners have helped reached thousands of members of their respective communities through newspaper articles and radio & television programs.
Another special recognition was given to the Shield’s cultural intermediaries who have worked to empower women of their communities with knowledge concerning their rights and their options in Canada. Approximately 400 women received this vital information and are now better equipped in identifying potential victims and guiding them to the appropriate resources.
March 19, 2015: Chris Ann Nakis; President, Melpa Kamateros; Executive Director, Betty Petropoulos; Director of Social Services, Maria Papadopoulos; Clinical Supervisor & Siran Nahabedian; Social worker and Maria Kokkoris; co-ordinator of Athena's House at the National Assembly in Quebec City for a special recognition given by Pierre Arcand; member for Mount Royal, to the Shield of Athena Family Services.
March 8, 2015: On March 4, our ED, Melpa Kamateros was invited to speak at Dawson College , for International Women’s Day. The Dawson Teacher’s Union Women's Committee and the Dawson Students Union hosted a discussion panel on austerity and its impact on women. The other presenter was the Coordinator of Chez Doris, Tina Pisuktie.
February 23, 2015: February 3, Press conference and launch of ''Never Ever'' PSA by the Shield of Athena at the Guzzo Cinema, Marché Central. To view.
Media Coverage: Suburban article . Journal de Montréal . Global News . CBC-TV report . RDS: TV report . Youtube: Laraque’s interview with Mike Cohen. Corriere Italiano p. 8
A powerful message on violence against women was produced by the Shield of Athena Family Services in collaboration with the Montreal Alouettes, and three of our local role models from the world of sports Bruno Heppell, Georges Laraque & Chris Nilan.
“There is no place for conjugal violence in our society & I have zero tolerance for anyone who is violent against their partner.” Chris Nilan, sportscaster TSN
“This is an important campaign because in 2015, conjugal violence is still a prevalent problem which shows us the need for continued awareness.” Georges Laraque , former NHL hockey player.
“This year’s conjugal violent case in the NFL shows us the severity of this problem and that it touches us all. We have all come in contact with a victim in some way or another in our lives and so we do not need to be afraid to talk about it. We need to take action” Bruno Heppell , former Alouettes player, sportscaster on RDS.
“It’s at the youngest age possible that we need to show our youth that this kind of behavior is totally unacceptable and its during their first dates that respect for girls must be established.” Vincenzo Guzzo, Guzzo Theatres distributor of this PSA.
‘’ Athletes are regarded as role models for young people, what they say does make a difference. It is also an extension of including more men in such campaigns as violence against women is everybody’s business.’’ Melpa Kamateros, Executive Director, SOAFS
‘’Global Montreal congratulates the Shield of Athena members, volunteers and supporters on their tireless efforts to end violence against women. We are proud to be part of the incredible team effort that made the Never Ever campaign possible. We encourage you to help promote this simple message of non violence.’’ Global Montreal
February 12, 2015: The Shield of Athena held a volunteer training session. The organizations new volunteers received information on the Shield's network of services and they gained a greater awareness & understanding of conjugal and family violence. The director explained the Shield's beginning & the need for culturally & linguistically adapted services for members of ethno-cultural communities and the co-ordinator presented on the Shield's community outreach department & public awareness campaigns. A social worker from La Maison d'Athéna explained the different types of violence, the cycle of violence and went over some common myths concerning family violence. Lastly, The Shield's stagiaire from the McGill law program explained the legal procedure involved in such cases . We thank everyone for their participation & their interest in our cause..
February 12, 2015: The Shield of Athena held a volunteer training session. The organizations new volunteers received information on the Shield's network of services and they gained a greater awareness & understanding of conjugal and family violence. The director explained the Shield's beginning & the need for culturally & linguistically adapted services for members of ethno-cultural communities and the co-ordinator presented on the Shield's community outreach department & public awareness campaigns. A social worker from La Maison d'Athéna explained the different types of violence, the cycle of violence and went over some common myths concerning family violence. Lastly, The Shield's stagiaire from the McGill law program explained the legal procedure involved in such cases . We thank everyone for their participation & their interest in our cause.
December 15, 2014: It was such a pleasure to celebrate the 10 Year Anniversary of our shelter, Athena's House with all of our supporters on Sunday November 30th at le Windsor. In honor of this special milestone we produced a short film featuring the history of the shelter, including our struggles & triumphs over the years. We would like to thank the participants in this film for their ongoing support and the passion they hold in their hearts for our cause. Please take a few moments to view it!
December 12, 2014: Two more special volunteers donate 100 shoe boxes filled with gifts along with diapers and baby formula for the babies that stay at our shelter. We thank you for your generosity.





December 1, 2014: We want to thank all of the guests, artists & volunteers that made the 10 Year Anniversary Celebration of Athena's House a success & a night to remember. A VERY BIG thank you as well, to this year's chairperson, Nadia Saputo & all her hard work and fabulous decorating team. Everything was beautiful thanks to everyone's support & big hearts! Thank you!
Nadia Saputo, Chairwoman of the event welcomed close to 180 guests at le Windsor on Sunday November 30th for a chic soiré in celebration of the 10 Year Anniversary of Athena’s House, the Shield’s crisis shelter for women & children victims of family violence.
Guests participated in the organization’s trademark event, their Annual Art Auction, also celebrating a special 20th anniversary. Participating artists included; Katerina Mertikas whose works are in the private collections of Princess Diana of Wales, Julios Iglesias, Roger Moore, Alexander Young Jackson, founding member of the famous Group of Seven, Jan Delikat and Marek Zoltak.
A special preview of a new PSA on violence against women, done with Montreal athletes and to be aired on Global Montreal in the near future was shown that evening.
The funds raised that evening will go towards services for women and children of Athena’s House and the two centers in Montreal & Laval.
Major Sponsor : Mantab Food Company Canada, Fanadica; Flowers & Events, Planéte Mobile, Rogers, Mobiphone, Fido, Scotia McLeod; Nick Papapanos, Bâton Rouge de la Montagne & Complexe Desjardins, Sir Winston Churchill Pub, Air Canada Foundation, Landau Sacamoto Inc., Paul Kamateros & Family, Schwartz’s Deli, Buonanotte Traiteur, Paola’s Catering, Global Television, CJAD 800 AM, TSN 690, CKIN FM, Mike FM.
October, 07 2014: The Shield of Athena is very happy to collaborate with the Alouettes so as to raise awareness about family violence. Please look at the link for the Alouette's president interview on 98.5. Paul Houde interview with Luc Brodeur .
September, 15 2014: Melpa Kamateros was very happy to have been invited by Tommy Schnurmacher to be a part of the panel discussing conjugal violence on his show on CJAD radio. We are grateful for the media programs that give us the opportunity to reach thousands of listeners so as to raise awareness about family violence and the services that are available for victims of abuse.







June 22, 2014: Thank you Marion for organizing the beautiful event entitled, Behind Closed Doors. We would like to congratulate you for such a unique idea for the event and for all of your time & hard work corresponding with artists, acquiring a beautiful venue and promoting the event. We also thank all the artists who participated and have graciously ceded a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their works. Your efforts in helping us raise funds for the services we offer to women and children victims of family violence is very much appreciated.





The project was developed in collaboration with the City of Laval, The Police of Laval, CAVAC and three Laval shelters. The tools developed within this project include: A new booklet in 10 languages, a multilingual audio message for victims arriving at shelters and consultations with cultural intermediaries. The Police of Laval, CAVAC and three Laval shelters. The tools developed within this project include : A new booklet in 10 languages, a multilingual audio message for victims arriving at shelters and consultations with cultural intermediaries.The Police of Laval, CAVAC and three Laval shelters. The tools developed within this project include : A new booklet in 10 languages, a multilingual audio message for victims arriving at shelters and consultations with cultural intermediaries.
April 10, 2014: In honor of National Victims Awareness week, The department of justice, visited the Shield of Athena to experience a day in the life of our organization and how we help victims of family violence, particularly those coming from ethno-cultural communities that face additional barriers in accessing help. http://www.semainedesvictimes.gc.ca/experience-stories/essai-essay/athena.html
March 24, 2014 : The Shield of Athena took part in the SCC job fair at Vanier College. We have a longstanding relationship with Vanier and greatly enjoy providing internship and employment opportunities to students.
March 21, 2014 : The Shield of Athena presented at a conference organized by "FILIA-Association Du Troisième Âge " held in the Greek community on Elder Abuse.
March 11, 2014: In honor of International Women's Day, Dawson College held a 2 day fundraiser for the Shield of Athena Family Services. We thank the organizing committee for all their hard work and helping us raise awareness about family violence.

October 23, 2013: We would like to thank CTV for supporting our 19th Annual Art auction. We greatly appreciate their help in promoting our event and our cause. To view the commercial, please click on the following link.. click here
September 30, 2013: The Shield of Athena’s 19th Annual Art Auction that will be held on Sunday November 10, 2013 at Marché Bonsecours is a one of a kind event. There is no such other event in Montreal that promotes talented artists and their beautiful paintings and at the same time raises awareness and funds about family violence. There are over 30 participating artists and 100 pieces of art to be viewed and bid on. There is art for every taste and budget! Guests will also enjoy a wonderful cocktail that includes wine and hors d’oeuvres. For more details
September 23, 2013:
The Shield of Athena is so happy to announce the return of 2 of Montreal’s wonderful media personalities at this year’s 19th Annual Art Auction. CJAD’s, Eramelinda Boquer and 98.5’s sports journalist, Jeremy Filosa will be the auctioneneers of the event. This will be Filosa’s 2nd consecutive year and Boquer’s 9th year. The event will take place on Sunday November 10, 2013 at Marché Bonsecours and will raise funds for victims of family violence. Thank you to this dynamic duo that will do a fabulous job!
September 18, 2013:
New parenting group from October 16 to november 27, 2013.
June 10, 2013: On behalf of the entire team at the Shield of Athena Family Services, we would like to thank everyone who attended the launch our 2013-2014 Membership Campaign Launch on June 5, 2013 at Baton Rouge de la Montagne. Once again, almost 200 guests attended the event in support of the organization’s multilingual prevention and intervention services to victims of family violence. We are very touched by our sponsors and guests generosity. We thank Chris Ann Nakis for hosting the event at her restaurant and our chairperson Chris Nilan for his support. A special thank you also goes out to the Comedy Nest's Sébastien Bourgault and the Troupe Folkorique Grecque Syrtaki. Everyone’s contribution made this a wonderful and very successful fundraising event.The Shield of Athena is happy to announce that this year's event generated $21,000 for its services to women and children victims of family violence. (Photos)
May,03,2013: Mother's Day Fundraiser May 9th, 10th & 11th at l'Aquafure Salon. Spa, 5674 Monkland Avenue. ( Facial treatments, Hair care, Make up, Body care, Hand care, Foot care and Laser hair removal). 50% of the sales will benefit the Shield of Athena. Prizes to be won! Please reserve at: 514-369-3333 and mention the fundraiser. www.laquafure.com.
April, 25, 2013: Trafalgar School for Girls is having an Event open to all, a Golf Tournament on Thursday, May 30, 2013 at Club de Golf Métropolitain Anjou, to benefit their bursary fund and the Shield of Athena. Please find below a link to the Trafalgar Open page on Traf's website: https://www.trafalgar.qc.ca/page.cfm?p=425
February 1st, 2013: On the evening of February 1st, over 130 guests attended a special ceremony hosted by The Shield of Athena Family in Honor of the Recipients of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. Thirty individuals in the categories of volunteerism, philanthropy, community outreach & services delivery and media partnership, were honored for their outstanding contribution to the Shield of Athena Family Services’ mission towards raising more awareness on the issue of family violence and providing services to victims. Recipients included police officers, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, social workers, journalists, members and volunteers who have provided the Shield of Athena with their longstanding support. The evening’s special guest was the Honorable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Canada.
The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal marks the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne. At the same time, it honors Canadians for their significant contributions and achievements to their community and to our country. (photos)
See us on Global Montreal: http://www.globalmontreal.com/video/diamond+jubilee/video.html?v=2331509811#stories

A Thank you to
- Karina and Antonio from SPORTIRA
- for their campaign
- for toys and food
- for the children exposed
- to violence
- from the Shield.
- SUZY SHIERS, John and Linda Ciolfi
- Steven Segal
- Ronnie Gottlieb
- Hellenic Appeal
- Hellenic Golfer Association
- Paul Nakis and Family
Happy Holidays to all!
SOAFS staff and Board
November 12, 2012 - Over 400 people gathered this Sunday November 11th, at the Bonsecours Market in Old Montreal. The Shield of Athena, Montreal’s only Multicultural network of services for victims of family violence, held their 18th annual Art Auction, under the High Patronage of His Excellency Orestis Kafopoulos; Consul general of Greece, and raised nearly $105, 000 for their services to women and children, offered at their two centers and emergency shelter. Click to read the articles in the Suburban on page 10 and Journal de Montreal
October 12, 2012 - It is with great joy that we announce that the Shield of Athena's Multilingual Community Outreach Department received the 2012 Excellence Award from the Ministry of Health and Social Services of Québec, in the category “Support to vulnerable persons and groups”. It is with great emotion that we accepted this award from the Minister Dr Réjean Hebert on Thursday October 11th in Quebec City. This is a wonderful reward and a recognition of our organization , something of which we can be extremely proud of! (for more details and photo)
June 21, 2012 - We would like to send a very heartfelt thankyou to Jennie Constantinides for the great work and support she contributrd to the Shield during her presidency. We would also like to welcome our new president, the Honorable Eleni Bakopanos. We look foward to working together and pursuing the Shield's mission of helping victims of family violence break the cycle of abuse.
June 20th, 2012 - The Shield of Athena held its Annual General Assembly at Kalysta Reception Hall in Laval. A total of 31 people, members and non members were in attendance. The executive director, Melpa Kamateros, along with the staff, presented the services and activities that were given at the external offices and at the shelter, for the 2011-2012 year. Photos
March 27, 2012. Melpa Kamateros, the Shield's executive director, had an interview with Silvet Ali from CBC Radio Canada. Photo Click here to listen to the interview
March 21, 2012. With the financial support of Status of Women Canada, The Shield of Athena will soon begin a three year public awareness and community outreach program on honor crimes. We are extremely honored that Prime Minister, Stephen Harper dropped by our offices on Friday March 16 to .... Read more (plus links to photos and video)
February 25, 2012. The Shield of Athena held their 5th Annual Comedy Nest fundraiser. The show was headlined by Carole Montgomery.
February 10, 2012. This week's online Suburban Magazine posts an article on our organization! To read this article go to www.thesuburban.com and click on the Magazine button. The article appears on page 21.
May 9, 2011. Thanks to our Martini and Makeover fundraiser guests and to Shmink Cosmétics and Spa Evita. Celebrity make-up designer Steven Reti and Shmink Cosmétics teamed up for fabulous makeovers and for Shmink's new signature lipstick ATHENA, created just for us. All proceeds go to our shelter, Athena's House. Lastly, we thank Panama Rotisserie for their ongoing support. Athena's beauties
March 7, 2011. Executive Director Melpa Kamateros spoke at the Toronto conference 'A Dialogue on Family Violence in Culturally Diverse Communities: Practical Approaches to Prevention and Response'. The conference was hosted by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police with financial support from Justice Canada and Public Safety Canada.
February 15, 2011. The Shield offered its parenting group and two closed and confidential support groups for women who are victims of conjugal violence, one in French and the other in Spanish.
February 23, 2011- BPW International Night of Violence Against Women - Violence Against Our World featured Keynote speaker, Melpa Kamateros, Executive Director of the Shield of Athena.
February 17 , 2011- The Shield of Athena held a free training session on family violence from 10am-2pm. Presentations given by our social workers, community outreach agents and a police officer.
February 3, 2011- The Shield of Athena and V-day McGill invite you to the production of Eve Ensler's theVagina Monologues. The Shield of Athena is one of the beneficieries of this year's production. For more information, please visit: http://vday.mcgill.ca/
February 2, 2011- NEW: for its campaign on sexual violence in intimate partner relationships, the Shield, in collaboration with its community partners, produced information segments in Arabic, Creole, Spanish, Mndarin and Vietnamese. to view follow the link.
